此攻略基于1.083版本 This walkthrough is based on version 1.083 颜色说明:重要内容用红色,地名用深蓝色,人名用褐色 Color explanation: IMPORTANT CONTENT in red, PLACES/LOCATIONS in blue, NAMES in brown 任何在贴吧等其他地方自称作者卖游戏收钱的都是骗子,谨防上当。 Chapter One 第一章 开场,先和山贼“深入交流”一段,出地牢找他们聊天 Game start, afterthe sex with Bandits, and getting out of the ropes, talk with the green hairedbandit.
此处的宝物是Angel Gift 和 传送宝珠(右上角的) Get the items -Angel Gift and Teleport Ball
聊完后,去河望镇,媚雅事务所,找金发妹子克瑞斯蒂聊天,会有一场战斗 After the chat, goto the Meiya’s Firm in Riverwood, talk and fightwith theblonde Christie
忽悠完,抓住克瑞斯蒂,去试炼森林——兽人之塔找兽人 Christie approves of your ability and go with you to suppressthe Bandits.So you deceive and capture her. After which, you go to the Orc Tower by passing through Trial Forest and sell her to the Orcs. (They’llbuy Litistoo, but she run away breezily)
交易完成后,去废墟找龙娘奥罗娜 After the deal, goto the Ruins to find Dragon, Orona
然后去河望镇旅店,这里有CG可以收,收完去找龙裔伊雅 And go to INN in Riverwood, you can getCG in 1F, and go to 2F to talk with Dragonborn, Illia
山贼想抓人,被血虐,然后去找奥罗娜,过剧情,回到古堡遗迹地牢 This time the Banditswere easily defeated, so you bring her to the Ruins and get Orona, capturing both ofthem, you return back to the Dungeonin Old Castle Relic.
这里两人是有不同CG的 They have 2 different CGs
接下来去河望镇,看到艾米在集结军队,回古堡遗迹,和山贼聊聊,出门开打 Going back to the Riverwood, in the middle oftown, Amyis gathering her troops, head back to Old Castle Relic, talk with Bandit, exit and start thewar
本游戏战斗系统也是一大亮点,对妹子使用技能 破衣 + 紧缚堵嘴 后 The Battle systemis one of the highlights in this game, after using skills Break Clothes + Tie up and gag 只要将血条打剩15%以下(所以技能 强奸 是用来控血的),妹子就自动抓获了, You just need tolower their health below 15 percent, and they will be captured, becoming a“captured girl” “被捕获的” in your inventory. (so the skill Rape is used to control their health) 抓获后可以无限pa,并能获得妹汁 After capturing,you can fuck her endlessly, and get the girl’s cum (妹子的蜜汁 – literal translate: Girl’s SweetJuice) PS 必须先破衣再紧缚堵嘴,不然会BUG PS You must Break Clothes before using Tieup or BUGs will occur 第一战中,除了剑姬以外,皆可以抓获(不同版本可能情况不同,如果破衣技能没用,就说明无法抓获) In the first war,you can capture all girls besides the Sword Princess (it might be a differentsituation in different versions, if BreakClothes is not used, the girls cannot be captured) 这个是剑姬 This is theSword Princess
这个是可以抓获的种类,有四种 There are 4 types of capturable girls in first map (另外,如果想抓人的话,把武器拆下来控血也是可行的,就是比较耗时……) (You can alsoun-equip your items to capture them, this makes it easier to control theirhealth but a lot more time-consuming……) 打完艾米以后,对话收CG After defeating Amy,talk to her to obtain the CG
接下来去河望镇,看到一堆躺尸,去酒吧,和枪娘卡莲娜对话,去右上角找她打一架 Returning to Riverwood, you will see somedead bodies, go to the PUB,talk with Gunner KaLena, find and fight her at the top right corner of Riverwood.
这一战败北是有CG的(似乎聊完天就会自动开启了),打完抓住卡莲娜 Losing this fighthas a CG, (but after talking it will automatically be opened in the CG room),so just win and capture KaLena 再聊天,收CG,卡莲娜入队,山贼离队(衣服可以提前扒了→_→) Talk again, getanother CG, KaLenajoins and Bandits leave your party (now you can completely unequip them →_→)